Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LOTF Context:

The general wider context for the novel "Lord Of The Flies" is around World War II, in England/ Britain. Thousands of children all around England where evacuated from cities such as London that were being heavily bombed. They would travel by train or plane and leave their parents until the city was safe to re-enter. The children were aged anywhere under 18 years old. Most of them were sent to low profile country towns that had no threat of being under siege. Throughout World War II 3.5 million people (mostly children) had been evacuated.

The reason that the reader knows the context is because the author states that the jungle was similar to Ralph's "home country." It was also obvious that the boys where in an island from "We're on an island. We've been on the mountain-top and seen water all round. We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprints, no boats, no people. We're on an uninhabited island with no other people on it." A projected look of the island is under "The Island." "Planes dropping on England" shows that during war the easiest way to win is to turn savage.

Golding was trying to show the similarities between the war context and the island context. Both of them had a low moral integrity from most people and also the lack of a structured society. "Plane crash" shows the damage war can do to millions of people. All of these images where found in google images under world war II, Lord Of The Flies.

"The Island" refers to the island that the boys where inhabinated on.
"Plane about to drop bombs on England" refers to that war was occurring and that war was a very tragic place to be in and that was the reason the children where evacuated.
"Evacuation" shows that many children where being evacuated during the war.

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